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mental health postpartum mood and anxiety disorders winter park florida


Postpartum Mood and
Anxiety Disorders

Counseling for moms experiencing postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety in Winter Park, Fl.


Are you missing your pre-kid life? Maybe wishing you could go back in time?

Are you feeling isolated and alone in parenthood?

Do you feel like crying most days because it’s hard to keep it all together?

Have you been embarrassed or ashamed to reach out?

Are you feeling empty and unfulfilled?

Do you feel like your mind and heart are racing and forget what it’s like to feel calm?`

Are you feeling like your family would be better off without you?


It’s time to make yourself a priority.  Research shows that 1 in 7 moms experience a postpartum mood or anxiety disorder— you are not alone in these feelings. I’ve heard from countless moms how isolating and lonely motherhood can be, and how they were afraid to reach out because they thought the sadness, rage, fear, or intrusive thoughts made them a bad mom. You are here reading this page, looking for support …You are not a bad mom.


When we focus on a mother’s mental health, making sure that they are feeling whole and fulfilled there are countless benefits. I know personally that when I feel happy and whole, I show up differently for the people around me. If a mother is emotionally in tune, she is able to teach her children to recognize, take care of and express his or her own feelings.

In our first session together I do a lot of listening, I want to get to know you and my goal is for you to feel heard and to unload some of the burden you’ve been carrying for so long. I know by the time you get into my office, you may have lost hope that things will get better or feel frustrated that you haven’t figured it out on your own. It’s ok, you don’t have to do this alone.

Image by Zach Lucero

One of the worst parts about the symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety is that  they don’t feel like symptoms.

They feel like who you are.

- Karen Kleiman

Author & Maternal Health Advocate

How is postpartum depression different

from the baby blues?

The baby blues are a very common and biological event after childbirth. These feelings dissipate after 7-14 days. A Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorder (PMAD) can begin anytime within the first year after childbirth. Symptoms may include

  • Moodiness, irritability

  • Lack of sleep or oversleeping

  • Withdrawing from those around you

  • Hopelessness

  • Crying for no apparent reason

  • Anger or rage

  • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy

How I help

As your therapist, I will utilize research based modalities like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to help you recognize your maladaptive thought patterns without judgment and identify the thoughts that you would prefer to have about yourself.
I will work with you to identify your strengths and recognize how you have been successful in other difficult situations. We will decrease the frequency, intensity and duration of the negative thoughts and get you back to feeling like you.


Don’t hesitate, call today 321-234-4105.

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